How to Block/Bypass and Remove CPAlead Survey Ad?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I recently saw some great sites killing their visitors by adding CPAlead survey ads. These types of ads can only be skipped after completing a survey. While most of the surveys are scams or requires money to complete, people will get highly irritated out of it. What will happen if it is a very important website? No way other than sitting for hours or spending money to complete that survey… huh?

Here, I’m with a hack to bypass cpalead survey ads using a simple code. You just need to visit the website (that contains cpalead ad) and enter the following code into your address bar. Few dialogue boxes may appear.. click OK and skip everything. after that, everything will be fine.

*Please use Mozilla Firefox for perfect working.

Please comment your views. Let me know if you’re making use of this trick.


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